Job Description

Ge?a s??, a?t? e??a? t? p??t? ß?µa st? ta??d? s?? st?? adidas. ?d? ?a? p??? ap? 70 ?????a d?µ???????µe t?? ?a??te?? a???t??? e??p??sµ? ?a? eµp????µe e?at?µµ???a a????p??? ?a a??????? t? ??? t??? µ?sa ap? t?? a???t?sµ?. St? ep??e?t?? t?? a???? µa? ß??s???ta? ?? ?????p??. ? adidas e??a? µ?a ?µ?da a?s??d???? a????p??. ? t??p?? ???? µa? e??a? d?ast????? ?a? d?µ???????µe ?a???t?µ?e? ??a t?? e??s????p?s? t?? a???t?sµ?? ?a? t?? f?s??, ??aµat???µaste ??a? ??sµ? ????? s????a ?a? p???ata???e?? ?a? eµp????µe t??? pe??te? µa? ?a ?????? t?? a??a??. ?a ?atast?µata ??a????? ap?te???? t? p??t? s?µe?? epaf?? µe t??? ?ata?a??t?? µa? ?a? t?? ?a?d?? t?? ep???µ?a? adidas. Te? ?a µa? a???????se?? st? d?ad??µ? µa?; ?pe? t??a st?? ?µ?da µa?!

??a?es?µ?t?ta ??s??: ? ??s? a?t? ?a d?µ???????e? ??a t? ??? ?at?st?µa t?? adidas p?? ?a a????e? st?? ??t?a µ?sa ??eµß???? t?? 2024. ? p??s???? ?a ???e? ???e? ??eµß???? t?? 2024.


  • ??ta????st??? pa??t? ap?d???? ?a? a?taµ??ß?? (bonus, s?st?µa s?stas??, ?.a.).
  • ???e?? set st???? d?? f???? t?? ?????.
  • ‘??pt?s? sta p?????ta adidas online ?a? st? d??t?? ?atast?µ?t??.
  • ????a?a voucher ?e?µat??.
  • ?d??t??? ?sf???s? ???? & ?at???? pe???a???.
  • S??ta???d?t??? p????aµµa.
  • ‘??pt?s? se s??d??µ? ??µ?ast?????.

?? ???????? ?? ??G???????? S? ???S:

  • ?p?st????t??? ?µ?da p?? se s???de?e? se ??? t? d?ad??µ? s?? st?? eta??e?a ?a? se eµp??e? ?a ?e?d?se?? ??e? p?????se??.
  • Stad??d??µ?a ????? s????a: e??a???a ?a a????e?? sta ?atast?µata ??a?????, sta ??afe?a ?a? st? ???t?? d?a??µ??.
  • ???a???e? e???????: e?pa?de?s? sta p?????µµata p?????t??, ?p??es???, d?ad??as??? ?a? p??s?p???? ap?d?t???t?ta?.
  • S??????? pe??ß????? µe ta ?????te?a p??t?pa ??a????? p???s?? ?a? t?? ?a??te?e? te???????e?.
  • ?µfas? st? ???t??p?a t?? p???µ??f?a?, t?? ?s?t?ta? ?a? t?? s?µpe???????.
  • ?a???t?µ?e? ??a t?? d?µ??????a µ?a? ??a? ep???? st?? a???t?sµ?, ? ?p??a ?a ß??s?eta? se ?s????p?a µe t? f?s?.

?? ????????? ????S S???S ??G????????S:

  • 6+ µ??e? e??as?a? se pe??ß????? ??a????? p???s?? a???t???? e?d?? ? µ?da? µe eµpe???a st?? p???se?? ?a? ?a?? ?ata???s? t?? p?????t??, t?? e???te??? ???d?? ??a????? p???se?? ?a? t?? a?????.
  • G??s? t?? KPIs ?atast?µ?t?? ?a? t?? e??a?e??? e?µ??e?a? t??? ??a t?? a???s? t?? p???se??.
  • ?p?te?esµat??? e??p???t?s? pe?at?? ?a? de???t?te? p???se??.
  • ?a ??e?? ?µad??? p?e?µa, a??e?t???t?ta, p????µ?? ?a µ??e?? ?a? ?a ??e?? ?a??? ep????????a??? de???t?te?.

?? ???S?????????S S??:

  • ?a e?t?p??e?? e??a???e? a???s?? t?? p???se?? ?a? t?? KPIs ?a? ?a ???e?? p??t?se?? st? Management Team µe s??p? t?? eµp????? ep?t???a t?? ?atast?µat??.
  • ?a ap?te?e?? p??t?p? ?? p??? t?? e??p???t?s? pe?at?? ??a??p????ta? ? ?pe?ßa????ta? t?? p??sd???e? t???.
  • ?a µ?????esa? t?? eµpe???a s?? st?? e??p???t?s? pe?at?? ?a? ?a e?pa?de?e?? ep??e?µ??a µ??? t?? ?µ?da? µe s??p? t? ße?t??s? t?? ??a??t?t?? t???.
  • ?a p??sf??e?? ß???e?a st??? Sales Assistants ?ta? a?t?µet?p????? d?s???e? pe??pt?se?? e??p???t?s?? pe?at??.
  • ?a e?sa? Brand Ambassador t?? adidas p??ß?????ta? s??e??? t?? a??e? ?a? t? st?s? t?? eta???a?.
  • ?a ?a??d??e?? ?a? e?pa?de?e?? ep??e?µ??a µ??? t?? ?µ?da? sta ßas??? ?a? ep???a?? p?????ta e?d??? st?? ?at?????e? p?? s?? ????? a?ate?e? (ef?s?? ?s??e?).
  • ?a s?µµ??f??esa? µe ??e? t?? ?a??e??µ??e? p???t???? ?a? d?ad??as?e?.
  • ?a efa?µ??e?? ?a? d?at??e?? ??a ta ?a??e??µ??a p??t?pa Visual Merchandising ?a? es?te????? ep????????a? (ISC).
  • ?a d?a?e????esa? t?? pa?a?aß?? t?? eµp??e?µ?t?? ??????a ?a? ap?te?esµat??? ?a? ?a a?ap?????e?? s??e??? ta p?????ta ?ste ?a d?asfa??se?? ?t? ??a ta p?????ta p?? d?at??e?ta? st? ?at?st?µa ß??s???ta? st?? ???f? p???s??.
  • ?a ?????????e?? t?? s??a??a??? st? taµe?? ??????a ?a? µe a???ße?a
  • ?a e?a??st?p??e?? t?? ??µ?e? t?s? st?? ap????? ?s? ?a? st?? ???f? p???s??.

Application Instructions

Please click on the link below to apply for this position. A new window will open and direct you to apply at our corporate careers page. We look forward to hearing from you!

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